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RegTech Insight Webinars
Recorded Webinar: Data management for ESG requirements
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing is moving into the mainstream, requiring asset managers to develop ESG strategies that deliver for both the firm and its investors. While these strategies can outperform those that do not include ESG factors, there is no clear route to success in an immature market that is only just beginning...
Recorded Webinar: Improving data integrity to address regulatory requirements
Financial institutions today face a global regulatory landscape characterised by rigorous and varied reporting requirements across their businesses. Reporting challenges include completing more data fields across more lines of business with greater frequency, adding complexity and cost. At the same time, there is waning tolerance among supervisory bodies for errors, issues or delays – as...
Recorded Webinar: Managing LIBOR transition
The clock is ticking on the decommissioning of LIBOR towards the end of this year, leaving financial institutions with little time to identify where LIBOR is embedded in their processes, assess alternative benchmarks and reference rates, and ensure a smooth transition. Some will be ahead of others, but the challenges are significant for all as...
Recorded Webinar: Trade surveillance: Deploying monitoring and surveillance capabilities for today’s new normal
Let’s face it: The old ways aren’t coming back. A plethora of challenges brought on by the covid-19 pandemic, coupled with unrelenting market volatility and uncertainty, have pushed financial service firms to look for rigorous monitoring and surveillance solutions to meet the demands of the emerging trading landscape. Working from home (WFH) has increased the...
Recorded Webinar: Developing operational resilience
Financial institutions’ operational resilience – essentially the ability to prevent, adapt and respond to, and recover and learn from operational disruptions – has come under extreme pressure during the coronavirus pandemic, with last year’s March lockdown creating unprecedented circumstances for financial firms. Employees working from home raised the stakes, as they still do, adding to...
Recorded Webinar: Managing the transaction reporting landscape post Brexit: MiFID II, SFTR, EMIR
The transaction reporting landscape has, for many financial institutions, expanded considerably in size since the end of the UK’s Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020 and the resulting need for double reporting of some transactions to both EU and UK authorities. It has also changed dramatically following the UK government’s failure to reach equivalence...
Recorded Webinar: The post-Brexit UK sanctions regime – how to stay safe and compliant
When the Brexit transition period came to an end on 31 December 2020, a new sanctions regime was introduced in the UK under legislation set out in the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (aka the Sanctions Act). The regime is fundamentally different to that of the EU, requiring financial institutions to rethink their response...
Recorded Webinar: Moving Regulatory Data to the Cloud: A Use Case Discussion
Migrating risk and regulatory reporting data to the cloud is turning out to be one of the hottest trends for 2020 – but not everyone is getting it right, and there are pitfalls to be avoided as well positive outcomes to be achieved. Especially in today’s remote working world, financial firms are facing the challenge...
Recorded Webinar: How Financial Institutions can adjust to working in the New Normal
The very sudden impact of Covid-19 and resultant shutdown of physical sites has stress-tested financial institutions and vendors to their limits. Now banks and firms are slowly starting to re-open offices. But what will the new normal look like and what steps should you be taking now to make the most of this situation? This...
Recorded Webinar: Address Emerging Operational Risk and Alleviating Data Blind Spots with AI Powered Risk Management
The digitalisation of financial services is in full flight, as financial institutions strive to offer the same levels of service and improved customer experience that consumer markets have enjoyed for some time. This digitalisation – providing seamless access to appropriate services on demand – requires great emphasis on client data. This changing digital landscape, and...