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The knowledge platform for the financial technology industry

McCreevy Adds His Voice to Debate on CDS Clearing Counterparty

Originally appeared in MiFID Monitor European Union internal markets commissioner Charlie McCreevy has added his two pennies worth to the debate on the introduction of a clearing counterparty for the credit default swap (CDS) market by urging European players to get involved. McCreevy is concerned that Europe may be left behind in the race to...

Fed Meets with Market Players to Discuss CDS Clearing House Plans

Originally appeared in MiFID Monitor The New York Federal Reserve has organised a meeting this week with market players involved in the credit derivatives sector, including representatives from both the buy side and the sell side, to discuss the various industry initiatives to establish credit default swap (CDS) clearing houses. It is expected that the...

IBM Data Governance Council Discusses Industry Best Practices for Management of Critical Financial Data

The IBM Data Governance Council, which was set up three years ago by IBM and comprises 50 financial market firms, is currently discussing establishing best practices for the industry on how to manage critical financial data. The council plans to build what it calls an “information governance framework”, which will be based on their existing...

IBM Data Governance Council Ponders the Future of Data and Plans to Establish Best Practices

The IBM Data Governance Council, which was set up three years ago by IBM and comprises 50 financial market firms, is currently discussing establishing best practices for the industry on how to manage critical financial data. The council plans to build what it calls an “information governance framework”, which will be based on their existing...

Introduction of BEI Beyond Industry’s Level of Maturity, Research Warns

Regardless of an understanding of the benefits of introducing a standard business entity identifier (BEI), the industry is as yet unconvinced that the cost of its introduction is justifiable. That is the message that the EDM Council, consultancy firm Bearingpoint and Swift heard loud and clear during interviews conducted with 15 international financial institutions as...

DIFC’s DClear Releases Plans for Reference Data Utility

DClear, the wholly owned subsidiary of the investment arm of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), has released plans for a reference data utility for the global financial market. The aim of the project is to provide a shared copy of reference data among financial market participants on both the buy and sell sides. It...

FISD Releases MDDL Open Source Licence in Further Bid to Encourage Take-Up

The Financial Information Services Division (FISD) of the Software and Information Industry Association has released a new MDDL 3.0 Open Source licence for the financial information industry. MDDL, or Market Data Definition Language, is an open industry standard XML dialect for securities market data. The announcement of the new licence aims to remove possible ambiguity...

FISD Releases MDDL Open Source Licence

The Financial Information Services Division of the Software and Information Industry Association (FISD) has released a new MDDL 3.0 Open Source licence for the financial information industry. MDDL, or Market Data Definition Language, is an open industry standard XML dialect for securities market data. The announcement of the new licence aims to remove possible ambiguity...

Live Launch of ISO 20022 Proxy Voting Messages Set for December

Swift is gearing Swift is gearing up for the live launch of its ISO 20022-based proxy voting messages on the network. This follows a pilot of the new messages, which replace earlier ISO 15022-based messages and market practice for proxy voting (Reference Data Review, November 2006). Based on feedback from the pilot, Swift’s standards group...

Standing Settlement Instructions: Bringing the Poor Relation of Reference Data into the Fold

Awareness of the fact that missing or inaccurate standing settlement instructions (SSIs) are a major inhibitor to true straight-through processing (STP) is as long-standing as the industry’s focus on STP itself. Problems with SSIs are still the biggest single cause of reference data-related trade fails, which themselves are the second biggest cause of fails behind...