EDM Council Sets Out Progress of FIBO
The Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Council is pushing on with the development of a Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) and this week received final approval from the Object Management Group (OMG) for the Foundations element of the ontology. FIBO is an open source, industry standard common language that describes the structure and contractual obligations of...
Anna Updates ISIN Standard and Combines ISO Financial Standards to Develop Centralised Data Hub
The Association of National Numbering Agencies (Anna) has released an update of ISO 6166, the standard for the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN), that extends coverage of instrument types to reflect regulatory developments in capital markets by including exchange-traded and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, as well as structured products. The Anna Service Bureau, which is supported...
Coba Proposes Commercial Framework for European Consolidated Tape
The Coba Project, an organisation set up to propose a commercial framework for an industry-led pan-European consolidated tape, reports positive feedback from a letter outlining its plans that it sent to key industry stakeholders earlier this week. Coba’s proposal wraps up the standards recommended ahead of the letter by FIX Protocol Ltd. (FPL) for the...
Financial Services Firms Challenge Regulatory Process During FIMA Debate
Financial services firms called for a bigger picture of market regulation to help them avoid short-term and resource hungry tactical system changes at last week’s Financial Information Management (FIMA) Conference in London. A panel discussion, entitled ‘Developing new business approaches and bringing value to customers in the newly regulated world of legal entity identifiers, consolidated...
FIX Protocol Proposes Standards to Support a European Consolidated Tape
FIX Protocol Ltd. (FPL) has recommended standards to support the consolidation of trade reports and market data in European equity markets. It suggests the standards could play into the European consolidated tape mandated by MiFID and accelerate discussion about similar standards for fixed income and derivatives markets. The recommended standards are the result of work...
Market Practitioners Propose an Industry Data Repository to Ease Fatca Compliance
The US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca) was branded as an outrageous example of US fiscal imperialism and an effort by the US government to outsource tax collection to the UK by a panel of experts addressing the issue of ‘Meeting the Fatca Challenge’ at last week’s International Securities Association for Institutional Trade Communication...
Multiple Repositories Expected to Emerge for Derivatives Trade Reporting
Regulations requiring derivatives trades to be reported to data repositories are looming in the US and not far behind in Europe, yet uncertainty remains about what exactly must be reported, which firms must report and how many data repositories there will be on a global scale. Debating the problems and opportunities of reporting derivatives trades...
Let’s Try Again for a European Consolidated Tape
Before there was Turquoise, there was Boat. And Boat, you’ll recall, was the industry’s answer to the then-incoming regulation designed to ensure that pan-European equity trades were reported to a mechanism available to all in a standardized way. This was required because Europe’s markets were about to fragment, due to the introduction of multilateral trading...
FSB Establishes Expert Group to Make LEI Implementation Proposals
Apparently addressing growing industry concerns about the prospect of delays in adoption of the long-awaited legal entity identifier (LEI), the Financial Stability Board (FSB) has set up an expert group to make what it describes as “concrete proposals” on the implementation of a global LEI system. At its meeting in Basel this week, the FSB...
T2S Connectivity Licences
On behalf of the Eurosystem, the Banca d’Italia has awarded two T2S connectivity licences, the first to SWIFT and the second to a consortium composed of SIA and Colt. As soon as the last administrative formalities have been completed, the two awardees will be invited to sign the Licence Agreement (LA) which is expected to...