Sunrise on Oracle
Oracle last week finally completed its $7.4 billion acquisition of Sun Microsystems, and the company wasted no time in setting out its road map for how its software and Sun’s hardware (and some software) are going to be packaged together so that the sum is greater than the two parts. A surprise – kinda –...
Let’s Focus on Inter-Party Latency
Latency – and keeping it low – remains a concern for the financial markets. We at A-Team know, because our latest poll at found that 80% of respondents reckoned it will be more of a concern in the future. With all this algo and high frequency trading going on, events in the world would...
Nomura Launches Collocation Facility Using Colt’s Network Infrastructure
Nomura has selected Colt to provide network infrastructure for its new European connectivity and collocation service. The Nomura initiative comes as the Japanese firm seeks to build on the strong European equities position of Lehman Brothers, whose European and Asian operations it took over a year ago. Nomura calls its new infrastructure a “next-generation ultra-low-latency...
Q&A: RTI Introduces Wide Area Routing Service; Scaling To Hundreds of Thousands of Applications
Real-Time Innovations (RTI) is best known for its messaging middleware, which is deployed in support of low-latency applications such as algorithmic trading, within trading firms. Recently, RTI introduced the RTI Routing Service, which can be used to bridge applications and networks running in different locations – up to tens or hundreds of thousands of applications....
It’s Getting Better …
… Getting better all the time. That’s my assessment of the economy as far as spending on IT by Wall Street is concerned. Sorry, having just picked up the remastered Beatles classic Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, I couldn’t resist tapping Lennon/McCartney’s track 4 title for this blog post. I’ll offer just a couple...
LSE Looking to the Future for TradElect
Following the tech blogs as we do, it’s been interesting to follow the smoke concerning the London Stock Exchange and the future of its TradElect system. Now it seems there’s some fire there, with the LSE acknowledging that it’s looking at the future of the platform, and how to keep the exchange in the low...
NYSE Technologies to Facilitate Low-Latency Trading
Moving forward on a strategic vision championed by CEO Duncan Niederauer, NYSE Euronext has created NYSE Technologies, a new company with a remit to commercialise the exchange group’s technical solutions, intellectual property and operational capabilities and sell them to other exchanges, liquidity venues and market participants. The company is headed by industry veteran Stanley Young,...
Sun To Focus on Latency In Trading Applications Developer Workshop
Sun Microsystems is running a “Trading Applications Developer Workshop” on Thursday, January 22nd, at its New York City customer briefing centre. The workshop – with an emphasis on latency – runs from 8.30am to 1pm, followed by lunch, and is free to qualified registrants. Click here to register. Attendance is limited so register today.
What is Your Latency IQ?
Capital markets firms have been implementing a number of different strategies for reducing latency – from increasing network bandwidth, to implementing low latency applications, to collocation – giving rise to the question: What’s next? To get the best trade, firms realize their need for visibility into the entire chain of trade execution events in real...
Buy Buy Buy
There was quite a bit of M&A activity last week. Oracle and BEA for $8.5 billion (we’ll have to see whether that’s good news for BEA’s Weblogic Event Server), Sun Microsystems and MySQL for a billion, and NYSE-Euronext snapping up Wombat Financial Software for $200 million. For Wombat – headquartered in Nevada’s Incline Village where...