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Misys Names Executive To Bolster Basel II Capabilities

Misys Risk Management Systems has named Savita Verma to lead its product management, financial engineering and research operations. Verma was previously vice president of Scotiabank. The company has also appointed David Welton Basel II specialist, reporting to Verma. Meanwhile, chief operating officer Michel Van Leeuwen has added Frank Weyns to his team. Weyns was previously…

Framlington Deploys Heliograph

Framlington, a U.K. investment management firm, has deployed the TradeFlow post-trade transactions management system from Heliograph, developer of the Evare corporate actions processing platform. The system will be used to replace a manual process for handling transaction information.

Integration of Data and Software Analyzed in New A-Team Report

The raised profile of the issues surrounding reference data has sparked many data management projects, but reference data cannot be considered in isolation. What is needed is a coordinated approach to data and its integration with operational software used throughout the financial services enterprise. After all, the uncoordinated approach that saw millions spent on technology…

Firms Fear Data Quality Issues Could Disrupt STP Initiatives

Industry participants are concerned about the availability of the quality data they require to achieve straight-through-processing, according to a survey published last month by the U.S. Securities Industry Association and GartnerG2, a research firm. The survey also found high levels of concern about the deadline for the Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.’s proposed corporate actions…

Basel II Plan Under Attack for Impact on Costs, Funding

The draft Basel II proposals on risk regulation have been attacked by two industry bodies in the past month. First, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) expressed concern about the potential costs to industry participants of accommodating what it called the complexity of the proposed new framework, and said there was a lack of coordination…

The Interview: Full Circle for EDI

Nearly a decade ago, a licence to distribute London Stock Exchange started Exchange Data International down the data aggregation route. RDR reports on how far they’ve come A little over two years ago, the phrase reference data was pretty much unknown. Today it is in danger of becoming one of those tick-box capabilities that suppliers…

DTCC White Paper Offers Plan for Corporate Actions Process

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. (DTCC) continues to push its proposals for the transformation of corporate action processing with the release of a blueprint plan that includes proposals for the development of centralised data cleansing and hub-based messaging. Earlier this year, the DTCC launched its Global Corporate Action (GCA) validation service (see RDR, June)…

FT Interactive to Offer Access to Luxembourg UCITS Data

FT Interactive Data has formed a strategic alliance with CCLux, a Luxembourg specialist in UCITS data, through which it will be the first vendor to provide international access to CCLux’s UCITS data and related documentation UCITS – Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities – have been harmonised by EC legislation since 1985. The legislation…

KBC Bank Selects Fame’s ReferencePoint for European Risk Management Project

KBC Bank & Insurance Group has begun to implement a major reference data project using Fame Information Services’ ReferencePoint system. Fame has also been contracted to customise and implement the system under a fixed-price, fixed-delivery-date contract. As part of its risk management strategy KBC, headquartered in Brussels, will be using ReferencePoint to integrate multiple data…

The Interview: Telekurs’ Beat Koch

On the growing recognition of the Swiss vendor’s role as a global reference data provider Mention Telekurs to people of a certain age in the London financial technology business and you’ll quite often find that they have a picture of a second division player in the real-time market data industry. Either that, or the words…