Entity Data Management Handbook
Following on from the success of our Regulatory Data Handbook, A-Team Group is pleased to introduce its new Entity Data Management Handbook which is available for free download.
This Handbook is the ultimate guide to all things entity data:
- Why Entity Data is important
- A full review of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs)
- Where they came from
- What the development timeline is
- Key stats
- Outstanding issues
- An overview of the Global LEI System (GLEIS)
- A discussion on LEI hierarchy data
- An outlook on the LEI.
- A review of the key regulations impacting entity data:
- Dodd-Frank
- European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR)
- Know Your Customer (KYC)
- Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
- Entity Data and Suppliers
- Entity Data Management
- Downstream Applications that consume entity data
- Client Onboarding
- Client Screening
- Risk Management
- Regulatory Compliance
It’s free to download and will tell you everything you need to know about the business, opportunities and challenges of entity data.
If you are interested in sponsoring or advertising in one of our handbooks, suppliers guides or special reports, please get in touch with us.