Data Management Insight Guides
The Reference Data Utility Handbook
The potential of a reference data utility model has been discussed for many years, and while early implementations failed to gain traction, the model has now come of age as financial institutions look for new data management models that can solve the challenges of operational cost reduction, improved data quality and regulatory compliance. The multi-tenanted...
Regulatory Data Handbook – Fourth Edition
Need to know all the essentials about the regulations impacting data management? Welcome to the Fourth edition of our A-Team Regulatory Data Handbook which provides all the essentials about regulations impacting data management. A-Team’s series of Regulatory Data Handbooks are a great way to see at-a-glance: All the regulations that are impacting data management today A...
Entity Data Management Handbook – Second Edition
Entity data management is this year’s hot topic as financial firms focus on entity data to gain a better understanding of customers, improve risk management and meet regulatory compliance requirements. Data management programmes that enrich the Legal Entity Identifier with hierarchy data and links to other datasets can also add real value, including new business...
BCBS 239 Data Management Handbook
Our 2015/2016 edition of the BCBS 239 Data Management Handbook has arrived! Printed copies went like hotcakes at our Data Management Summit in New York but you can download your own copy here and get access to detailed information on the principles and implications of BCBS 239 on Data Management. This Handbook provides an at-a-glance...
Regulatory Data Handbook – Third Edition
Need to know all the essentials about the regulations impacting data management? Welcome to the third edition of our A-Team Regulatory Data Handbook which provides all the essentials about regulations impacting data management. A-Team’s series of Regulatory Data Handbooks are a great way to see at-a-glance: All the regulations that are impacting data management today...
Solvency II Data Management Handbook
Want to get a handle on Solvency II and what it means for data management? Need to make sure you have all the bases covered for the looming January 2016 deadline? Our Solvency II Data Management Handbook is now available for free download to help you. This Handbook is the ultimate guide to all things...
The Data Management Implications of Solvency II
This special report accompanies a webinar we held on the popular topic of The Data Management Implications of Solvency II, discussing the data implications for asset managers and their custodians and asset servicers. You can register here to get immediate access to the Special Report.
Regulation and Risk as Data Management Drivers
A-Team Group recently held a webinar on the topic of Regulation and Risk as Data Management Drivers. Fill in the form to get immediate access to the accompanying Special Report. Alongside death and taxes, perhaps the only other certainty in life is that regulation of the financial markets will increase in future years. How do...
Regulatory Data Handbook 2014
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the A-Team Regulatory Data Handbook. We trust you’ll find this guide a useful addition to the resources at your disposal as you navigate the maze of emerging regulations that are making ever more strenuous reporting demands on financial institutions everywhere. In putting the Handbook together, our rationale has been...
Tackling the Data Management Challenges of FATCA
As the July 1, 2014 deadline for compliance with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act – or FATCA – approaches, financial institutions around the world are working to ensure their data management and operational systems will meet the requirements of the US legislation. This report discusses the requirements of FATCA and how the legislation is...