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New Data Quality Standards on the Table in CESR’s MiFID Technical Advice to the Commission

Following the feedback received during the recent consultation period, the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) has finally produced its technical advice for the European Commission regarding the establishment of a sequel to MiFID. As well as the expected proposals for a European consolidated tape, the papers also include a number of recommendations related to…

CFTC Calls for Industry Feedback on Data Repositories and Standards for Swaps

As part of its endeavour to improve transparency within the swaps market and in a follow up to the passing of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is asking firms to provide feedback on 30 areas of change including the regulatory proposals related to swap…

Fancy a Data Related Job at a Regulator…?

Part of the unlucky few facing job and spending cuts in the data management sector? Employee at a data management solution vendor or ratings agency that has fallen on hard times? Why not trade it all in for a (potentially) more secure job and a guaranteed pension by applying for a data focused role at…

XBRL Falls Off the US Regulatory Checklist, What Will This Mean for Data Management?

One of the stranger happenings during the lengthy US reform negotiation process was that a provision to require the use of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) for financial data reporting was unexpectedly struck from the financial regulation reform bill, which was passed this week. Given that XBRL is being touted as the next big thing…

DTCC Further Expands Public Release of Credit Default Swap Data Registered in its Global Trade Repository

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) today further expanded its public release of credit default swap (CDS) data, providing more detailed market segmentation information on the largest corporate and sovereign CDS (single named reference entities) registered in its Trade Information Warehouse’s (Warehouse) global repository. This extension of the data posted on DTCC’s website will…

Regulations Pushing Basic Reference Data Management Issues up the Agenda for Asset Managers, Says MoneyMate’s Brennan

The increased media attention being given to regulation and the punitive action taken by regulators as a result of data errors has flagged the issue of data management for the buy side at large, from hedge fund managers to traditional institutional investment firms, according to MoneyMate’s chief technology officer Ronan Brennan. During a recent webinar,…

US SEC Asking for Feedback on Proxy Voting Proposals Including Data Tagging

The US Securities and Exchange Commission has just opened a 90 public comment period for consideration of its proposals to modernise the proxy voting system in the country by increasing electronic messaging and XBRL tagging. Last year, SEC chairman Mary Schapiro launched a comprehensive review of the US proxy system in order to determine a…

CFTC Issues Proposed Rulemaking to Improve Account Ownership and Control Data

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today approved for publication in the Federal Register a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that calls for the collection of certain ownership, control and other information for all trading accounts active on US futures exchanges and other reporting entities. The information will be collected via an account ownership and control…

SEC Upgrades Interactive Data Rendering Engine

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has this week completed an upgrade of its interactive data rendering engine, the software in the Edgar system which turns interactive data files into a human readable document. The XBRL-based reporting and disclosure system now features more accurate rendering of key data items such as currency symbols and…

EDGAR Online and UBmatrix to Merge, Creating Global XBRL Leader

EDGAR Online and UBmatrix today announced the signing of a definitive merger agreement that would create the first global end-to-end provider of solutions for the creation, validation and analysis of XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) content. UBmatrix is one of the original inventors of the XBRL financial standard, which is being mandated worldwide by many…