Xcitek has introduced a new Xcitek Client Cost Basis product to ease the process of clients finding out cost basis information. The client requests for this information from their brokers and advisors can be a heavy burden, particularly during the tax season, according to Xcitek. In an effort to ease this burden, the vendor has built a customizable tool that can be embedded within the broker or advisor’s website to allow clients to calculate their own cost basis. The calculation factors in all splits, spin-offs, distributions, mergers and other cost basis affecting corporate actions. According to Xcitek, the calculator can handle equity positions initiated as far back as 1900 as well as the effects of Dividend Reinvestment Plans.
Says Joseph M. Carvalhido, managing partner at Xcitek, “(Typically) the institutions only track cost basis for the top tier of its clients through use of portfolio accounting software. That leaves the vast majority of clients without access to this critical information, and the task of researching the position falls to the broker or advisor. (This product) … enables the client to do it themselves”. The client version has evolved from Xcitek’s Cost Basis Service launched in 2000 for professional users.
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