Wall Street Horizon, an alternative data provider specialising in corporate events intelligence, has introduced EventBreaks, a service that alerts institutional investors to changes in corporate events. The service covers each of the 40-plus event types the company tracks and provides granular information around how events move, alerting users to the time, date and substance of corporate event changes. While Wall Street Horizon has offered this data for earnings release dates for several years, EventBreaks marks an extension of the service to cover all events tracked by the company.
The company suggests alpha can be gained by understanding the changes to things like shareholder meeting locations, earnings release dates and conference presenters. With EventBreaks, clients are alerted to material corporate event changes such as: a change in an investor conference presenter from the CEO to a product manager; a shareholder meeting that is moved from the company’s home city to a location 500 miles away; a buyback offering that is extended with new terms; and an earnings date or earnings conference call that is delayed.
Barry Star, CEO at Wall Street Horizon, says: “Companies communicate non-verbally every day through their event changes. Our DateBreaks product was the first to have this capability for earnings date movements, and we have now extended this functionality to our full universe of tracked events.”
EventBreaks is available immediately and is included as a free add-on to Wall Street Horizon’s Enchilada product, which hosts the company’s forward-looking and historical datasets.
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