Chicago-based Victory Networks, which provides co-location and technology services to boutique trading firms, has acquired New York City’s SailFish Systems in order to expand its services into new geographies and asset classes.
Driving the combination are the technology needs of a growing number of startups being created by algorithmic traders leaving major players. These new operations are looking for high performance trading infrastructure, delivered in a cost effective manner, and outsourcing to the likes of Victory and SailFish is increasingly the favoured route.
Says Victory CTO Fred Ling: “This partnership, more than ever, makes Victory Networks the go-to-place for financial institutions and business customers who demand the best in quality of service.”
Victory has established a number of technology partnerships, including Orc Systems, OptionsCity, Activ Financial Systems, HP, Cisco Systems, Telx and Equinix.
“Victory Networks has been aggressively growing its business in Equinix IBX data centres and with the acquisition of SailFish, it will have access to new customers via Platform Equinix,” says John Knuff, general manager, global financial services at Equinix.
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