Trading system TBricks has rolled out a managed, hosted variant of its automated trading software, and has partnered with S&P Capital IQ to provide market connectivity and data. TBricks OnDemand has been rolled out in Stockholm, London, Frankfurt and Chicago.
TBricks provides tools to allow manual and low-latency automated trading in the global markets, including options and ETFs, supporting a number of different strategies, including HFT. To date, its offering has been deployed as enterprise software in a customer or co-lo data centre, leveraging Oracle’s Solaris operating system and Berkeley DB database, running on Intel-based servers.
With TBricks OnDemand, customers do not need to deploy any software or build the hardware platform and market connectivity on which to run it. Â Rather, the TBricks functionality is provided via a network connection, possibly within the same co-lo data centre.
TBricks is providing market connectivity and data via its relationship with S&P Capital IQ. Specifically, it is using QuantLINK to provide trading access to global markets, and QuantFEED to access normalised market data. These products have been offered by S&P since its early 2012 acquisition of QuantHouse.
As trading firms increasingly look to make use of hosted, managed services, the providers of those services will also seek to tie up with existing connectivity and market data providers to themselves bring their services to market more rapidly, and to lower ongoing operations costs.
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