We’ve been talking about it over the last few months, but now you can let Reference Data Review (and the European Central Bank (ECB)) know whether you think its proposals for a reference data utility are a good idea or not.
The ECB’s proposals have inspired a number of you to write in and many more to get involved during conversations on the subject with us at this year’s Sibos. The ECB’s ideas include compelling issuers to provide data to a utility via regulation and to provide that data back to the industry on a cost recovery basis.
Do you agree with the panellists who spoke on the subject at Sibos in Hong Kong that a regulatory driven reference data utility isn’t a desirable concept for the market because of its potential to stifle innovation? Or do you agree with proponents such as Mike Atkin, managing director of the EDM Council, that such a utility would add a lot of value to the standardisation effort?
Let us know your views!
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