Quantifi, a provider of pricing and risk management solutions, has optimised its software suite for Intel multi-core technology. According to the vendor, this new development enables faster calculations and increased scalability without additional cost by leveraging the power of modern multi-core CPUs.
“We recognise that in today’s environment, clients need robust analytics that can work faster, perform better, and scale throughout the firm without dramatically increasing cost,” says Rohan Douglas, CEO of Quantifi. “We are leveraging Intel multi-core technology to ensure that we remain ahead of the curve in delivering the premier solution for market participants, built on the most cutting edge technology available to us today.”
As the evolving credit markets put new strains on firms’ pricing and risk technology, Quantifi has endeavoured to enhance its software suite and the robustness and accuracy of the pricing tools. In order to address the increased computational requirements, the firm optimised its entire suite of solutions to scale over multiple cores on a single workstation or server. By utilising Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel TBB), Quantifi claims it was able to speed up calculation time by as much as eight times on a standard desktop PC.
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