Quant Insight and Predata have partnered to add Predata’s global geopolitical risk signals from its predictive analytics platform to Quant Insight’s quantitative macro analysis framework and processes. The aim of the partnership is to give institutional investors and traders a better grasp on political, financial and economic factors driving asset prices, and insight to help them optimise investments and quantify trades on assets that incorporate political risk.
Mahmood Noorani, founder and CEO at Quant Insight, explains: “Having the expertise to know which data is relevant, how to interpret that data and translate it into actionable investment ideas is crucial in today’s trading environment. By partnering with Predata we can ensure all financial market participants have access to our combined analytics capabilities and can evaluate both economic and geopolitical factors when choosing a trade expression that best suits their macro view.”
Hazem Dawani, CEO at Predata, adds: “Collaborating with Quant Insight provides a perfect application for our predictive intelligence, risk and geopolitical signals to create an anticipatory view into popular risk topics and events that investors can then translate into actionable ideas.”
Quant Insight is a macro research firm that provides actionable quantitative analysis to hedge funds, asset managers, pension funds and wealth managers. Predata builds models of human behaviour online using alternative data and machine learning techniques to identify and map patterns that precede major market and political events. The data and models are then transformed into risk signals, market indicators, and political and economic event predictions.
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