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Numerix and Lumina Americas Team up for Pricing and Risk Management Offering

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Numerix, an analytics provider for the structuring, pricing and valuation of derivatives and structured products, has signed a partnership agreement with regional consulting and technology services firm Lumina Americas to combine their respective offerings. Under the agreement, Lumina, which services the Latin American and Spanish markets, will offer Numerix’s suite of pricing models and risk analytics integrated with its own front-to-back trading and risk system, Lumina Treasury and Operations.

“We continue to receive greater demand from the Latin America and Spanish market for transparent pricing, valuation and risk,” says Steven O’Hanlon, president and chief operating officer of Numerix. “Lumina’s integration of Numerix provides users the flexibility to manoeuvre today’s markets with the transparency, independence and operational consistency necessary to meet internal and regulatory controls.”

The Numerix analytics suite will therefore be integrated into a specific module of the Lumina solution, Lumina Derivatives and Structured Notes Module. According to the vendors, the module will support the flexible definition of new structured note issues, with tools for either cloning existing deals types or modelling completely new structured products. Lumina users can also use Numerix’s Excel-based solution for structuring, deal prototyping and definition.

Once a new deal is defined in Numerix’s Excel-based solution, the Numerix generated XML can be uploaded into the Lumina Derivatives and Structured Notes Module, explain the vendors.

“By integrating Numerix into Lumina’s calculation engine, we have dramatically extended the asset scope into Lumina Treasury, allowing a standardised mechanism in the application for incorporating new complex derivatives and structured notes without need to release new pieces of software,” says Gustavo Amor, president and CEO of Lumina Americas.

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