Tokyo-based derivatives broker Nissan Securities has contracted to distribute Trading Technologies’ TT platform, furthering its trade execution technology offer with access to TT features and technology including Autospreader, ADL, TT Premium Services, and charting and analytics.
Tomoaki Hirao, director and head of global sales at Nissan Securities, says: “By providing Trading Technologies’ TT platform, we’re strengthening our commitment to delivering the highest level of access and service, not only for professional trading firms and financial institutions, but also for individual traders. TT’s comprehensive support for multiple brokers, including built-in user-sharing functionality, allows us to grow our relationship with our global clients.”
Extending its capabilities in Japan, TT added colocated connectivity to Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) and proximity connectivity to Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) earlier this year. It also plans to offer proximity connectivity to Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFX). This exchange connectivity provides traders in the Asia-Pacific region with direct access to market data and ultra-low latency trade execution through TT’s worldwide network of colocated data centres.
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