We held the latest Low-Latency Summit in London a couple of weeks ago and already the memories are distant ones. But a lot was covered, from ROI on latency investment to trading in Russia. We recorded the entire proceedings to allow you to recap the experience, or to hear what you missed.
We’re now looking ahead to the next Low-Latency Summit in New York City on May 1. It seems like it’s way in the future, but it will be here like tomorrow. We’re continuing with the converged technologies theme – low-latency, cloud, big data – but directing it towards what we believe will be a major focus of 2013: Intelligent Trading. What is Intelligent Trading? Click here to find out.
We’ve defined a couple of morning plenary panels for suits and geeks alike:
Panel: Beyond Latency – How to Find Alpha Through Intelligent Trading
“A trading strategy based on being the fastest isn’t a strategy” is a view we’ve heard from several trading firms in recent months. For sure, being competitive in the latency race is important, but so too is adopting new approaches to trading, embracing Big Data sources, including time series and news/social media sources in order to make the right trades, not just the first ones.
Panel: Hardware Acceleration for Technology Convergence
In a world where technology convergence – Low Latency meets Cloud and Big Data – is playing out, the fastest hardware platforms are moving beyond a straightforward FPGA direction. The x86 roadmap is omnipresent, overclocking is becoming accepted, and other chip architectures are increasing in relevance. Add advances in solid state storage and networking fabrics to the mix, and getting hardware integration right is once again an imperative.
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