ION, the trading, analytics, treasury, and risk management solutions vendor, has launched FI EMS, a new fixed income execution management system for both buy and sell-side fixed income traders. The new product, which expands ION’s market-making solution, is designed to ease challenges around selecting counterparties and sourcing liquidity in fixed income, by digitalising the entire dealer to customer (D2C) trading process.
The new module will automate the entire RFQ workflow, allowing the intelligent auto-execution logic to take care of simpler orders, so traders can focus on the trades where they can make the difference, according to the company.
FI EMS provides best execution capabilities among various D2C markets and retail venues, by routing inbound order flow to multiple platforms and dealers so they can auto-execute against the best price with configurable best execution policies.
FI EMS also offers buy-side capabilities to sell-side traders through direct execution as well as at-trade and post-trade hedging, and is integrated with the ION market-making solution. The solution provides a comprehensive audit trail of all execution steps to cater for increasingly complex regulatory pressures, and generates client reports automatically.
“Whether you are on the buy-side or sell-side, delivering first-class service for your clients can be complex, especially when dealing with multiple requests in a volatile market,” says Tommaso Di Grazia, Head of Fixed Income Product Development at ION Markets. “FI EMS enables intelligent auto-execution capabilities for executing brokers while extending access to liquidity for sell-side traders.”
He adds, “Since its inception, ION has focused on building solutions that help traders automate tasks, reduce the overall operational risks and in this case, deliver better fixed income execution”.
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