From the end of June, all securities traded on the Euronext Paris cash markets will be identified solely by their International Securities Identification Numbers (ISIN), bringing it into line with most other major financial markets.
In France it will replace the national Sicovam codes, making it easier to identify securities, particularly in cross-border transactions. For Euronext, the switch also represents a further step in harmonizing operations between member markets – Amsterdam, Brussels and Lisbon have already adopted the ISIN code.
The new codes will apply to all securities traded on the Euronext Paris cash markets, including equities, bonds and structured products such as warrants and trackers.
A steering group representing the French financial community and headed by AFTI, the French association for securities professionals, is working to ensure a smooth transition. Tests scheduled in the run-up to June will enable players to implement any necessary changes.
A dedicated Internet site will go online in early March at, and will include a converter for switching between Sicovam and ISIN codes.
Clearnet is the clearing house and central counterparty of equity and derivatives markets operated by Euronext Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris.
Euronext NV is the first pan-European exchange and operates cash and derivatives markets in Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon and Paris, as well as Liffe, the international derivatives market based in London.
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