The Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB) has opened its Unique Product Identifier (UPI) User Acceptance Test (UAT) environment and associated Client Onboarding Support Platform (COSP).
Go-live of the UPI UAT environment follows publication of mandates to report the UPI in the EU, UK, US and Australia, with additional jurisdictions expected to follow. The nine month UAT period before the first compliance date – a CFTC requirement for the UPI to be used in recordkeeping and swap data reporting in the US from 29 January 2024 – will allow prospective UPI users time to implement and test UPI connectivity, data integration and workflows in advance of compliance. Additional mandates to report the UPI are embedded in the EU EMIR Refit, and UK EMIR.
Emma Kalliomaki, managing director of ANNA and the DSB, says: “The DSB is pleased to launch the UPI UAT Service as scheduled to help stakeholders with preparations for upcoming regulatory requirements. We now encourage stakeholders to onboard with the DSB and maximise the testing time available.”
The DSB will move the UPI Service into production on 16 October 2023.
The Client Onboarding and Support Platform (COSP) is an online, self-service platform that guides users through the DSB’s UPI Service onboarding process. Users can create a user entity profile to manage UPI subscription and connectivity options for access to search for and/or create UPIs. As part of this process, the DSB has redesigned the website to enable market participants to easily access information needed to use both the OTC ISIN and UPI Services.
The DSB has also published indicative UPI user fees that are available to help firms address budgetary planning requirements in advance of final UPI user fees being published on 4 September 2023. Full details are available in the UPI Fee Model Final Report – Update 2023.
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