Deutsche Börse has launched a new service aimed at providing bundled data about upcoming corporate actions and their impact on the exchange operator’s own indices. Dubbed Index Corporate Action Forecast, the service aims to offer customers information on upcoming corporate actions such as dividend payments, stock splits and spin-offs, including currency information, which may impact its DAX, DAXplus or DAXglobal index families.
Hartmut Graf, head of issuer data and analytics at Deutsche Börse, explains: “The Index Corporate Action Forecast enables market participants that track Deutsche Börse indices to prepare themselves in advance for impending changes in the index parameters. The added value is primarily in the high quality of validated information as well as the classification of the effects on the respective index.“
The service therefore allows forecasts on all corporate actions that affect Deutsche Börse’s index families to be subscribed to on a daily basis. According to the exchange provider, data is available 10 days prior to the respective event and this data is also validated no later than three days before an action goes into effect.
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