Asset Control has expanded its global data coverage by adding Telekurs Valdordata Feed (VDF) content to its centralised reference and financial data management solution. Several clients have already licensed the new capability and are in the process of implementing it, the vendor says.
VDF provides reference data, corporate actions information and price data on more than 3 million financial instruments worldwide, with up to 10 years of historical information and up to 1500 data fields related to each instrument, all in a coded form. Though highly valued, VDF is known for being complex to integrate.
This additional capability in the Asset Control solution, which has been incorporated in response to customer demand in both Europe and North America according to the vendor, is being offered to clients as an optional module which is fully serviced: any changes Telekurs makes to the product in future will be automatically incorporated into the module. As well as processing the Telekurs content the module also maps it into the Asset Control data schema.
“The more options that customers have to source information the better,” says Martijn Groot, product marketing director, Asset Control. “VDF is one of the largest and most comprehensive financial data feed offerings in the market so it was something we had to have in our portfolio of feed handlers,” he adds.
One benefit of this solution, Groot reckons, is that clients have the Telekurs data integrated inhouse and they can then relay the data further downstream or access it through the Asset Control Desktop product to display and browse through it.
“VDF is a large repository of information and is very well structured. Asset Control makes this structure and the linkages between instruments, listings, corporate actions, issuers and so on explicit,” he says.
In a further bid to expand the data coverage of its solution, Asset Control has also recently added interfaces to the London Stock Exchange’s Sedol Masterfile, to eMBS for data on mortgage backed securities and to Thomson Financial for municipal variable rate demand notes data.
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