Next week’s A-Team Insight Exchange event in London will feature a number of sessions that focus on latency and how to reduce it – not only through fast messaging middleware and co-location, but across an entire trading system stack – hardware, software and network.
One session in the Insight Conference – “Beyond Equities and Sub-Microsecond – Future Architectures for Low Latency Trading” – will take a holistic view of latency, where it exists, and how it can be reduced.
Among those on the panel – moderated by yours truly – will be Peter Duffy, CTO of Sumerian, which provides ongoing analysis of IT systems, combining software tools with ‘human touch’ analysis for a real-life view of capacity and performance.
Also providing insight will be Asaf Somekh from Voltaire. Apart from providing networking hardware, the company has software products that accelerate the network performance of applications. The Singapore Exchange is one recent implementation to benefit from this approach.
Rounding out the panel are Ben Newton from Citihub, a consulting company with much expertise in building low-latency systems, and Mark Palmer from StreamBase systems, which has designed its complex event processing software with minimal latency in mind.
Latency will also be well covered in a number of Drill-Down sessions – breakouts that are free to attend, along with the Technology Showcase exhibits. “Building Intelligent and Fast Edge Networks, Closer to Your Trading Applications” will be led by Charles Ferland of Blade Network Technologies, “Clock Synchronization: The Jitters and Everything You Were Afraid To Ask About Precision Time” will be presented by Corvil CTO Raymond Russell and “Comparing Low Latency Ethernet versus InfiniBand – Is There a Winner?” will be discussed by Markus Fischer of Stordis.
A number of low-latency experts will gather for “Latency Reduction – The Latest Techniques, and Where We’re Heading” – including Henry Young of TS-Associates, Charles Ferland from Blade, Dave Clare from Solace Systems and Todd Montgomery from 29West-Informatica.
And expect low-latency to be part of other conference sessions of algorithmic trading, market data delivery and market fragmentation. For sure, low-latency is going to be covered from many angles at the event.
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