Recorded Webinar: The Global LEI System – A Solution for Entity Data?
This webinar has passed, but you can view the recording here.
As 2013 comes to a close, the global legal entity identifier system – or GLEIS – will have been in the making for 18 months. This year has seen some significant developments ranging from the first meeting of the Regulatory Oversight Committee to a call for board members for the LEI Foundation and the set up and endorsement of several Local Operating Units in the interim LEI system.
The journey may have been long and not without difficulty, but are we now close to the transition from an interim system to a global LEI system that will meet the joint requirements of supporting regulators in monitoring and measuring systemic risk and the needs of financial institutions for a standard identifier for entity data?
This webinar reviews progress of the global LEI programme, forecasts the transition timeline and advises practitioners on how best to integrate and use LEIs in their entity data processes and systems.
Webinar Date: December 4, 2013
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