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A-Team Insight Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Meeting the requirements of the EU’s ESG Disclosure Regulation

14 October 2021

The EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is central to the European drive towards a sustainable financial market. As such, it is complicated and multi-faceted, and makes rigorous demands on financial firms to source large volumes of ESG data and meet numerous reporting obligations.

Key elements of disclosure include sustainability risk, principle adverse impacts, and ESG approach, nascent and complex concepts that asset managers must get to grips with if they are to play a significant and successful role in the rapidly growing market for ESG investing.

This webinar will cover:

  • The key requirements of EU SFDR
  • Data sourcing and management challenges
  • Approaches to cost-effective compliance
  • Helpful technologies, solutions and services
  • The benefits of getting disclosure right
  • And the penalties of getting it wrong


Chris Johnson Senior Product Manager, Market Data
HSBC Securities Services
Dominik Hatiar Regulatory Policy Advisor – Sustainable Finance
European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA)
Phil Redman Offering Lead
OneTrust ESG
Dani Williams
Principal Consultant, ESG Governance Lead
Don Huff Global Head of Client Services and Operations
Bloomberg Data Management Services
Moderator: Sarah Underwood Editor
A-Team Group

More about our speakers:

Chris Johnson

Senior Product Manager, Market Data

HSBC Securities Services

Chris joined HSBC Securities Services in 2006 and is a Senior Product Manager with responsibility for Market Data.  Chris was previously at Threadneedle Investments where he was Head of Investment Information Services.  Before then he was a Director at UBS.  Chris started work in the city with Laurie, Milbank stockbrokers, in their futures and options operations team, continuing with Chase Manhattan for a further ten years, culminating in three years as head of the equity derivatives middle office.  He also headed OTC derivative client valuations at Bankers Trust.  Chris is a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.

Dominik Hatiar

Regulatory Policy Advisor – Sustainable Finance

European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA)

At EFAMA, Dominik covers the EU´s sustainable finance agenda. He analyses, builds industry positions and supports asset managers´ implementation of files such as the EU Taxonomy, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, EU Ecolabel for retail funds, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive or the European Single Access Point.

Phil Redman

Offering Lead

OneTrust ESG

Phil Redman serves as the Offering Lead for OneTrust ESG which simplifies the complex task of collecting and reporting on corporate ESG data. In his role, Redman is responsible for the product development and direction of the offering, leading the sales and product engineering team on OneTrust ESG, and day-to-day delivery. He enjoys working with customers and providing features and benefits they now love, but didn’t know they needed. Redman brings over 15 years of global, enterprise experience and has led teams on technology product development and strategy at Accenture, Citrix, and was VP and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner. He has a B.A. from Temple University and an M.S. from Boston University on Business Communications.

Dani Williams

Principal Consultant, ESG Governance Lead

Dani Williams brings 10 years of in-house and consulting experience to her role at ACA and specialises in sustainability and green finance alongside providing compliance guidance for alternative fund managers.

Don Huff

Global Head of Client Services and Operations

Bloomberg Data Management Services

Don Huff is the Global Head of Client Services and Operations for Bloomberg’s Data Management Services (DMS) business. Bloomberg’s DMS business provides organizations with the tools and services to streamline the acquisition, management and distribution of their data from multiple sources through private cloud-based data management capabilities. Mr. Huff joined Bloomberg in 2004 and has held leadership roles in various divisions with in Bloomberg L.P., including Global Data, Customer Service, Enterprise Technology Sales, and Event Driven Feeds Product Development division.

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