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CSB Faces Lobbying on Cusip ID Fees from Three US Industry Associations

Reflecting the general desire within the user community for lower costs and easier access to instrument identifiers, this week, three US-based industry associations have sent a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) asking the regulator to step in and limit the fees that Standard & Poor’s’ Cusip Service Bureau (CSB) charges for its…

CQG Integrates with FOW TRADEdata Xymbology

FOW TRADEdata announced today the integration of CQG instrument codes into its Xymbology product for the futures and options market. Xymbology is an identifier mapping service for exchange-traded futures and options contracts. CQG is a provider of integrated order execution, charting, and analytics for global, electronically traded futures markets. CQG offers real-time and historical data…

Taking a Stand on Standards

This year’s Sibos was certainly not short of discussions about standards, but the actual physical location of the Standards Forum sessions (next to the Swift booth and beside the equally noisy Innotribe stand) was representative of the danger that Swift faces in this space: getting its message drowned out by background noise. The communication about…

DClear Reference Data Services Gain Significant Momentum a Year on From their Launch

SmartStream, the financial Transaction Lifecycle Management specialist, today announced significant progress for its DClear business, a year after its launch. With reference data on the agenda again at this year’s Sibos conference, a utility service model providing clean, consistent reference data as a service has come to the fore as the industry wrestles with data…

And So it Begins…

Sibos 2010 kicked off this morning to a rather drizzly but promising start; with around 8,000 odd delegates registered for the annual Swift user conference in Amsterdam, it’s set to be a busy week. The securities market infrastructure session began proceedings by debating the benefits of competition versus consolidation in the evolving global market: a…

The Waiting Game: Standards in Corporate Actions Processing

There has been some real action of late in the standards space for corporate actions. In the US, the SEC issued a requirement for corporations to report in XBRL, and the XBRL US organisation has announced a project with the DTCC and Swift to tie the standard into ISO 20022, all of which could optimistically…

Rumours and Rumblings

Once again, the reference data utility was the talk of last night’s EDM Council roundtable event, but more interesting than the discussions on the stage, were the rumours being discussed amongst attendees. For one, there seemed to be a general consensus that it was only a matter of time before the US government announces the…

Behind the Scenes

One week to go before Sibos and, according to Swift’s figures from today, there are 7,489 delegates signed up so far. Let’s hope at least some of that number care about reference data; otherwise the utility panel on the first day might be a little quiet (apart from the panellists that is). And it is…

A Blip is Back on the Radar

Earlier this year I noted that all had gone quiet on the Western Front with regards to the securities industry’s grand plans for an “investment roadmap” for standards. Although Swift and other industry bodies had been talking about interoperability, not much had been said in reference directly to the roadmap. Not so this week, however,…

Bloomberg Bows to Pressure to Maintain Support for BUID Indefinitely

The migration plans of data giant Bloomberg to gradually move users from its BUID identifier to its new Bloomberg Global ID (BBGID), which is at the heart of its open symbology initiative, have hit a roadblock. Users have exerted pressure on the vendor to step back from the initial migration timeline and to maintain support…