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Talking Reference Data with Andrew Delaney: Just How Fat is Fatca?

With the final regulations for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca) now published by the US Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS), financial institutions have no more excuses for failing to get their houses in order to be compliant with the act. They certainly aren’t happy with the additional regulatory burden of Fatca,…

LEI Regulatory Oversight Committee Names Leadership and Reprieves PSPG

The formation of a global legal entity identifier (LEI) system took a large step forward late last week when the first meeting of the Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC) took place in Toronto, taking over leadership and direction of the LEI initiative from the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and naming its leadership team. The meeting was…

Wolters Kluwer Integrates Acquisitions to Deliver Single Platform Risk and Compliance Solutions

Wolters Kluwer Financial Services’ decision to abandon the brand names of FRSGlobal, which it acquired in September 2010, and FinArch, which it acquired in July 2012, marks a major step forward in the company’s work to integrate the acquisitions’ products to form a combined offering driven by a single business oriented data architecture. The product…

Markit and CTI Tackle Fatca Compliance with Service Bureau

Markit and Compliance Technologies International (CTI) have teamed up to target the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca) compliance market, but unlike most vendors the companies propose a Fatca service bureau rather than a deployed or hosted solution. Their aim is to serve fund types and sizes that typically outsource IT and do not have…

Thomson Reuters Joins Fatca Fray with Modular Compliance Solution

Thomson Reuters has joined the growing group of vendors providing compliance solutions for the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca) that came into effect on January 1. Its offer is a modular, yet holistic, solution that can flex in response to elements of the legislation that are still to be determined or may change…

Gjensidige Selects Moody’s Analytics’ RiskIntegrity Solvency II Solution

Norwegian insurance company Gjensidige is working with Moody’s Analytics’ RiskIntegrity Solvency II solution to improve risk management and support compliance with the forthcoming regulation. The company chose RiskIntegrity on the strength of its out-of-the-box regulatory capabilities and ease of use. Thomas Bichard-Breaud, leader of Gjensidige’s Solvency II reporting, explains: “Moody’s Analytics offered us the best…

Talking Reference Data with Andrew Delaney: LEI Progress Report 4

In a fourth progress note on the development of a global legal entity identifier (LEI) system, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) has named Switzerland as the likely home of the global LEI foundation that will operate the LEI system’s Central Operating Unit (COU). It also set out the preliminary criteria for the selection of a…

Talking Reference Data with Andrew Delaney: Frying Pan – Fire

Two major financial data providers announced their third-quarter results in the past few days. A bit of minor drill-down suggests that reference data and related services are playing a significant role and could point the way forward to future growth. The latest numbers from NYSE Euronext, which reported its third-quarter earnings this week, don’t look…

MoneyMate Proposes Solution to Holdings Data Issues of Solvency II

MoneyMate’s introduction of a look-through and reporting utility, which will provide data connectivity between insurance companies, asset managers and third party administrators, is aimed to support insurers that must comply with Solvency II and asset managers that want to protect the investment strategies they are using while providing necessary holdings data to insurers and their…

Talking Reference Data with Andrew Delaney: Spreadsheet Wars Reprised

In an interview with the excellent Robert Elms on BBC Radio London the other day, author and autistic savant Daniel Tammet said something along the lines of: “Mathematics is more about how you came up with the answer than the answer itself.” Tammet was promoting his forthcoming new book, Thinking in Numbers: How Maths Illuminates…