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DSB Publishes Stakeholder Feedback Report on ISIN, CFI and UPI

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The latest report making recommendations for standards for identifying, classifying and describing over-the-counter derivatives has been published by the body charged with bringing order to the naming of the securities.

The Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB) said its Industry Consultation Final Report summarises feedback from industry stakeholders on the OTC International Securities Identification Number (ISIN), the Classification Financial Instrument code (CFI) and the UPI service provision.

This year’s report, the DSB’s seventh on the topic, focuses on proposed automation enhancements, data leakage prevention and data labelling for the US$20 trillion-plus derivatives market.

·     DSB managing director Emma Kalliomaki will be among speakers at A-Team Group Data Management Insight’s next webinar on Thursday, which will take a deep dive into how financial institutions can optimise their use of identifiers and standards. Click here to register for the event.

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