The market data of the Macedonian Stock Exchange can now be subscribed to via the Vienna Stock Exchange. This is another step forward for the Vienna Stock Exchange in its endeavor to position itself as the data hub for CEE. The one-stop shop concept of the Vienna Stock Exchange means that data vendors can subscribe to the standardized data of all stock markets included in the data feed via a single access. The data of the Macedonian Stock Exchange can be subscribed to separately – just like the data of the other exchanges disseminated via the data feed.
The data network of the Vienna Stock Exchange now comprises the exchanges of the CEE Stock Exchange Group (Vienna, Budapest, Ljubljana and Prague) and the stock exchanges of Bucharest, Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Macedonia. Additionally, data dissemination includes the data of the CEGH Gas Exchange of the Vienna Stock Exchange, of the power exchange EXAA (Energy Exchange Austria) and of the PXE (Prague Energy Exchange).
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