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Thomson Reuters Delivers Transparency to Collateralised Loans Market with Launch of LPC Collateral

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Thomson Reuters today announced that it has launched LPC Collateral, a data and analysis-driven solution designed to dramatically improve transparency in the Collateralized Loan Obligation (CLO) market. The product links Thomson Reuters market-leading loan end-of-day data to the underlying assets held in CLO portfolios to provide powerful, personalized insight and analysis to CLO traders and investors.

Shawn Cooper, Head of European CDO Trading, Deutsche Bank AG London, said: “LPC Collateral is a shot in the arm to the CLO market, providing transparency where it is desperately needed and improving investor confidence. One of the biggest challenges for CLOs during the recent financial crisis was the difficulty in obtaining accurate pricing information for CLO portfolios — LPC Collateral eliminates this problem. This product will undoubtedly become one of the fundamental tools used when analysing and monitoring any CLO portfolio in the future.”

Bram Rosenfeld, Strategy and Business Development Manager, Thomson Reuters, said: “We are thrilled to respond to market demand for insight and transparency in the global CLO market. LPC Collateral will enhance the recent upward swing in the CLO market by providing the information traders and investors need to make informed decisions and have a clear understanding of their exposures.”

LPC Collateral provides a detailed view of the underlying assets in an investor’s CLO portfolio, enabling users to evaluate deal and portfolio-level exposures to specific segments, issuers or assets. Users can also monitor and benchmark historical performance of CLOs.

In addition, historical transaction data available in the product brings transparency to the secondary loan market by giving investors access to data on thousands of trades completed by hundreds of the largest loan holders.

LPC Collateral, along with the recent announcement of Thomson Reuters expansion into CLO tranche pricing, further demonstrates the commitment by Thomson Reuters to meeting the needs of the CLO market and its investors.

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