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Telekurs (USA) Teams with XcitekSolutionsPlus to Offer ISO 15022 Data

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Telekurs (USA) Inc. and XcitekSolutionsPlus have extended their five-year relationship through the integration of the Telekurs Valordata Feed (VDF) service through the XSP corporate actions platform. While Telekurs-provided corporate actions data has long been available via XSP, the new deal means that ISO 15022-formatted messages will be offered to users of the platform for the first time. According to Barry Raskin, president of Telekurs (USA), the arrangement was made possible following Telekurs’ participation in the Swift ISO 15022-based corporate actions pilot. Meanwhile, XcitekSolutionsPlus has forged a strategic alliance with Odyssey Asset Management Systems. Under the deal, the XSP platform will be interfaced with Odyssey’s Triple’A Portfolio Management and Nexus Data Warehouse solutions. Nexus is an enterprisewide market and reference data management solution that centralizes the data collection, cleaning, storage, administration and distribution of data. According to Brendan P. Farrell, Jr., managing partner of XcitekSolutionsPlus, “Odyssey’s dominating position in Europe will help us to further penetrate this market.”

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