Telekurs Financial is to introduce new reference data to help its clients achieve MiFID compliance.
According to its head of product services Richard Newbury, a key aspect of Telekurs Financial’s plans is the reworking of its reference data model to make much more of the institution related data it holds, “in order to provide this in a modular way to clients”.
“At the moment we are instrument focused, and we provide institution level data around that. Going forward we will increase the focus on the institution level of our data model as well,” he says. “At the moment the centre of our data model is the instrument, and the only reason we have data on institutions in the data-base is as they pertain to instruments. In the future the institution role in our model will grow as we assign roles to them as systematic internalisers, multilateral trading facilities or regulat-ed markets, for example. What we are looking to do is tie the listing data closer to the institution data to provide a more 360 degree view of companies and how they act in the market.”
Telekurs Financial will issue from early 2007 international business entity identifiers (IBEIs) for companies registered in Switzerland and Lichtenstein. Other NNAs will start allocating IBEIs in their respective countries, it says. The IBEIs will be made available through Telekurs Financial’s Valordata Feed (VDF) as an integrated element of the core data model.
The vendor will also add new markers to identify MiFID liquid shares and shares admitted to trading on a regulated market within the MiFID zone. These markers will help clients determine which level of reporting an instrument is liable to under MiFID regulations, it says. Identifiers to show places of quotation and trade will also be provided.
The new data will be made available in two releases next year, in April and October.
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