S&P Valuation and Risk Strategies, an independent and analytically separate business unit within Standard & Poor’s that provides users with market intelligence and analytic insight for risk-driven investment analysis, in an effort to provide easily accessible information has added a number of enhancements to Valuations on the Global Credit Portal.
The new enhancements will make it easier for customers to gain a better perspective on how we interpret yield changes in some of the markets around the world. These enhancements include expanded yield curve data that incorporates Valuations and Risk Strategies interpretation of market changes across US, Europe and Asia. Another new feature enables terms and conditions data users to have a direct link to both the EMMA and EDGAR databases for official statements and secondary market disclosures.
Improvements have also been made to the Global Credit Portal’s structured finance advanced search capabilities by adding the ability to search using residential mortgage-backed securities and whole business securitisations as the asset class designation. Another major enhancement is the ability to download current pricing files using either a list of identifiers across asset classes or by using the advanced search function. Historical pricing files can also be downloaded from a single identifier or from a list of identifiers across asset classes for a single date or range of dates.
“Investors want more information, in an easy-to-use format available across multiple asset classes,” said Frank Ciccotto, senior vice president, S&P Valuation and Risk Strategies. “By increasing the information displayed around our evaluations and improving the access to underlying research, we are helping customers improve price defensibility and transparency.”
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