Rimes has opened an AI Lab under the leadership of Theo Bell, the company’s newly appointed head of AI product. The lab provides a dedicated environment where Rimes’ product engineering team can collaborate with clients to prototype new ideas and applications using proven AI technology.
Acknowledging that AI-enabled data-driven workflows are no longer a luxury, but a necessity for future success, Bell says: “Our AI lab is committed to pioneering these workflows, transforming the way the industry operates and setting new benchmarks for efficiency and accuracy. The lab will enable us to iterate directly with our clients, ensuring that we are not just building innovative solutions, but solutions that are valuable and tailored to their specific needs.”
Justin Brickwood, chief product officer at Rimes, adds: “The lab enables a laser-sharp focus on client needs. It is already empowering the rapid development of innovative solutions that will help financial institutions gain a real advantage in an increasingly competitive business environment.”
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