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Rigel Capital Rolls Out FundWorks Global’s FundReports6 to Automate Reporting Process

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Seattle-based institutional asset management firm Rigel Capital has gone live with FundReports6, FundWorks Global’s enterprise client communications and reporting platform, to meet its institutional reporting requirements. The firm decided to replace its previously manual monthly and quarterly institutional reporting process in order to speed up report production and reduce the risks in the process, says Lynn Rowley, director of administration and operations at Rigel.

“The transformation in our reporting process since going live have been significant benefiting both our reporting team and our customers,” says Rowley. “We are now able to capture data from source systems, validate data, generate the reports, apply post production checks and authorisations and distribute 1,500 statements to our secure web portal, again provided by FundWorks, within 24 hours.”

The implementation was carried out in cooperation with FundWorks’ implementation partner, Column A, who assisted in the development of a standard set of reporting packs to meet Rigel’s requirements. The solution covers all steps of the reporting process from data collection through to web portal delivery, says Chip Healey, managing director of FundWorks North America.

“The implementation included the redesign of the packs and a workflow process that aligned itself to Rigel’s business requirement for reducing the amount of data manipulation required pre report production and the availability of a secure web portal for customers to access their current and historical reports,” adds Healey.

The vendor will be working with Rigel to roll the solution out to further report types over the course of this year, says Healey.

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