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Princeton Financial Optimizes Data Management of Hauck & Aufhaeuser in Record Time

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Hauck & Aufhäuser Investment Gesellschaft S.A. (HAIG), a service provider for the conception and administration of funds, needed to replace their fund accounting system while maintaining operation of all business-critical systems. Due to Princeton Financial® Systems? (PFS) extensive experience in this area, they successfully supported HAIG in this project and simultaneously established a system architecture for the future. PFS„ DVS Fund Warehouse functions as the central data storage area and feeds MIG21, ORS and DVS Publisher Suite for investment compliance checking, order management, and reporting.

One of the most critical components in this project was the seamless continuation of all systems during the entire implementation. Princeton Financial not only kept up the daily reporting, but also the pre-trade and post-trade compliance checking. Additionally, the project was carried out under an aggressive timeline: the first funds went live within six months, which included an intensive test phase.

In the new structure, the DVS Fund Warehouse plays a central role. It receives data from the fund accounting system, prepares and delivers it to MIG21, ORS, and DVS Publisher Suite. The new architecture is highly flexible which means that further source systems can be connected easily to the DVS Fund Warehouse.

Jürgen Maximini, Assistant Managing Director at HAIG, comments, “HAIG has been a PFS customer for several years now. Without the expertise, commitment, and target-oriented approaches of Princeton Financial, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve our objectives to have the project completed quickly and maintain operations of all business-critical systems at the same time. Additionally, PFS gave us a very realistic time and cost estimation which provided us with a highly reliable costing.”

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