Pricing Partners announced today that it will move its headquarters to central Paris’s downtown area in November 2009 as a result of impressive growth and a consistent demand for products and services. The new address will be: Pricing Partners, 6 rue Rougemont, 75009 Paris.
Pricing Partners is expanding at a rapid rate, adding more staff, developing new products and extending its client portfolio. After three years in the Paris Cyber Village, an incubator dedicated to young and innovative companies, Pricing Partners has exceeded expectations and decided to move to the most prestigious financial center: the 9th arrondissement, a district famous for the historical Paris stock exchange, Palais de la Bourse and an abundance of French banks. Located in the heart of the city, Pricing Partners will make itself more accessible meanwhile providing better facilities for Paris-based clients. This relocation is a sign of business development and corresponds to Pricing Partners strategic objective, being a leader as a provider of cutting edged pricing models and analytics in the financial industry.
“Pricing Partners has reached critical mass. It is the time for Pricing Partners to move into prestigious offices with greater proximity to our clients to provide unmatched quantitative support and service” comments Eric Benhamou, CEO at Pricing Partners.
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