OTC Fin, a provider of front and middle office financial technology to investment managers, hedge funds, hedge fund of funds and institutional investors, today announced the release of PAT DW (Portfolio Analysis Tool Data Warehouse), Version 3, which merges Funds of Funds and multi-asset security level data whereby providing increased transparency of portfolio holdings via its look-thru capability.
PAT DW is a global repository for enterprise wide risk management, portfolio analysis and reporting that integrates, normalizes, and reconciles investment data from internal investment systems and external analytics, risk and reference data providers. PAT DW supports all asset classes including equities, fixed income, and FX cash and derivatives instruments as well as structured securities/credit, hedge funds, private equity, and real estate.
“Consistent, reliable, and vetted data are paramount to the successful implementation of any investment system -accounting, portfolio management, transaction, risk and performance systems,” states Joseph Ohayon, Director at OTC. OTC Fin Data Warehouse and tools help streamline the asset allocation, investment, risk and performance measurement processes, producing integrated and actionable views and reports.
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