Microwave-based low-latency market data specialist McKay Brothers International has raised the bar for connectivity to the Korean Stock Exchange with the launch of what it claims is the fastest links between Busan and Tokyo and Illinois. The rollout of the company’s hybrid microwave / fibre private bandwidth services will be a boost to firms in Japan and the Chicago area seeking low-latency access for trading the Korean exchange’s equity, index and futures products.
The company says both of the new services “are offered at the lowest known latency.” According to Tad Beckelman, McKay’s director of Asia: “Korean financial markets have always been supported by strong group of local traders. The more recent growth in interest from international firms has only added to its importance as a global financial marketplace. Access to the lowest latency telecom is critical for market participants.”
The addition is the latest in a line of pioneering latency developments from McKay, which famously introduced microwave across the English Channel to link the London markets with the Eurex derivatives market in Frankfurt. The company launched its first hybrid wireless/fibre network in Asia between Tokyo and Singapore in 2016. It has since expanded to offer connectivity to Hong Kong and Shanghai. MBI’s lowest latency services in Asia are offered to subscribers via its Josada Telecommunications subsidiary.
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