Mackie Research Capital, one of Canada’s largest independent full service investment firms, has implemented SunGard’s Fame for pricing data and analytics to help support the firm’s investment, research and trading strategies and activities. Providing live data and desktop tools for analysing investment results and opportunities, Fame helps Mackie Research Capital view and analyse accurate, aggregate pricing data over time for analytics.
Mackie Research Capital relies on Fame’s managed content for equity and index data hosted by SunGard, and uses Fame 4GL tools to create reports and graphs that help influence the firm’s research and investment decisions. Fame also gives Mackie Research Capital the flexibility to load market data from other sources to view underlying commodities relative to stock prices. Fame provides users with the ability to quickly view the sum of random stocks, and produce total and average values on prices, as well as offering a programming database environment for further data manipulation.
Tom Akin, analyst, technical and quantitative research at Mackie Research Capital, said, “SunGard’s Fame provides the data integrity and service we needed to add greater transparency and value to our day-to-day research and analytics. Fame helps us quickly produce price values, views of data and graphs, and client research reports in a high-speed environment with the flexibility to manipulate the data for further analysis. Fame is a powerful solution for getting into pricing details and going beyond the standard screens that are typical of other platforms.”
Gerry Murphy, president of SunGard’s brokerage and clearance business, said, “As the markets rebound, capital markets firms like Mackie Research Capital continue to make innovative use of SunGard’s Fame solutions in order to seek investment opportunities and help enhance their efficiency. Fame helps firms return to traditional investing by delivering accurate prices, correlations and trends, and has a solid history of excellence in this type of analysis and modelling environment.”
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