The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) continues to build out services around the LEI with the introduction of a beta version 2.0 of the LEI search tool. Version 2.0 allows users to explore information on more than 1.3 million organisations contained in the public LEI data pool and provides enhanced functionality including the option to identify corporate ownership structures or pinpoint other identifiers that have been mapped to an LEI.
Key additions to version 2.0 of the LEI search tool include: a user interface supporting quick and customised research; easily identifiable ownership information; other identifiers mapped to the LEI showing automatically with search results. The tool also offers an expert mode that allows users to configure and combine their own search filters to facilitate the design of complex queries. For example, identifying all LEIs registered within a defined timeline and with a legal name containing the term ‘bank’ and owning companies in a specific country.
Stephan Wolf, CEO at the GLEIF, says: “To ensure the tool continues to evolve in line with market needs, the GLEIF invites comments on the beta version 2.0 of the LEI search tool by June 30, 2019.”
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