Ken Price, the co-founder and CEO of Avox, who left the company late last year, has surfaced as vice president of sales at Strevus, a Silicon Valley start-up aimed at driving down the cost and improving the quality of managing digital assets in the finance sector.
At Strevus, Price joins founders Ken Hoang, CEO of Strevus and founder of master data management specialist Siperian, which was acquired by Informatica in 2010; Jeff Sidell, chief technology officer at Strevus, and former chief scientist at Siperian; Greg Danforth, chief architect at Strevus, and most recently principal architect at Informatica; and John Betts, strategy and business development lead at Strevus, and a former investor and entrepreneur in financial technology start-ups.
Strevus’s data management concept is based on crowd collaboration and the company has developed a data platform that allows users to collaborate around shared assets in a secure and reliable way. The platform has been developed with a big data foundation – nothing is changed or deleted, data is only added – and it supports self-certification and maintenance of documents, data, applications and video. It is possible to navigate the content across time and apply analytics to the entire content set. Visitors to the Strevus website are invited to join a pilot of the platform.
Price’s commitment to improving data management in financial services stems back to the early days of Avox in 2002. His recent work includes taking part in a team led by data management specialist element 22 and dedicated to developing an open-source project designed to deliver a conceptual data model for the financial services industry that could lead to standard data schemas.
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