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Fincad Launches New Version of Analytics Suite for Excel

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Fincad has released a new version of its Fincad Analytics Suite for Excel with added functionality to respond to the recent market volatility affecting yield curves. The new version includes basis curve pre-built workbook solutions to help valuations models more accurately reflect market conditions, says the vendor.

Bob Park, president and CEO of Fincad, says the focus for the vendor is currently on providing better risk management and increased transparency. To this end, the solution has three new workbooks to reflect the market volatility: basis spread curve, vanilla swap with basis spreads, and compounding swaps with basis spreads.

“We also recently provided our customers with a workbook to support the new International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) credit default swap (CDS) standard model for pricing single name CDS contracts,” adds Park.

The CDS workbook, also included in this latest release, implements the ISDA model in a format similar to Fincad’s current solutions with the addition of fair value as well as additional risk measurement outputs such as par spread and risk statistics.

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