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ESGi Embeds LEI in ESG Regulatory Reporting Platform

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ESGi, a provider of trusted ESG data for the investment industry, has embedded Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) into its platform, taking advantage of the ISIN to LEI link initiated by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF) and helping buy-side firms identify which companies products are exposed to.

The ESGi platform has been developed as a company in its own right by data management and analytics consultancy Element22, and is now up and running with the aim of taking complexity out of ESG related regulatory reporting. Its first use case addresses Principal Adverse Sustainability Indicator (PASI) disclosures required by the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) for product level reporting. Additional reporting templates will be added as required.

Commenting on the inclusion of the LEI in the platform, Tim Fox, product and regulatory lead at ESGi, and senior associate at Element22, says: “The LEI is still scratching the surface when it comes to global corporates, but it has made a good start. There are more than two million active LEIs, so we have embedded the identifier in the ESGi platform. This gives clients that have already integrated the LEI into their operations the capability to easily map ESG related data into their data infrastructure at both the company and instrument level.”

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