Following the certification of the Avaloq|Gain adapter earlier this month, Aim Software has entered into a partnership with business process outsourcing (BPO) and IT operations outsourcing (ITO) service provider B?Source. Under the agreement, clients of B?Source will be provided with a central reference data management platform based on Aim Software’s Gain Golden Copy.
B?Source, which provides BPO services to banks and wealth management institutions, is currently implementing the Avaloq banking system and decided to integrate a centralised reference data management repository as a result of the new system’s requirements.
Carmine Cammarota, business architect at B?Source, explains the rationale behind the partnership between B?Source and Aim Software: “We required a future proof data management solution with a proven track record in the Avaloq community. Aim Software’s certified Avaloq adapter as well as the extensive Golden Copy functionalities were decisive for us to select them as our supplier in this area.”
Serving as the technological basis for the provision of reference data related services, Gain Golden Copy will be part of B?Source’s standard offering for financial institutions. The new services will be used to feed up to 15 client instances with reference data from sources including Telekurs, Bloomberg and Reuters. Relying on the certified Avaloq|Gain adapter, Aim Software’s Golden Copy solution will cover the requirements arising from B?Sources’ current and future customer base.
The first clients at B?Source are currently being migrated onto the Gain reference data platform with an internal production start by end?September. In further project phases, more and more processes will be migrated to the multi-entity solution installed at the B?Source headquarters in Lugano.
Josef Sommeregger, head of business development at Aim Software, explains: “Our strong local customer base in Ticino will serve as a basis for a close cooperation with B?Source allowing both partners to focus on their core competencies.”
As a result of the partnership and drawing upon Gain’s data feed connectivity, B?Source says it will be able to provide added value services in accordance with its clients’ needs. According to B-Source, via the reduction of time consuming and error prone manual data collection, clients will be able to cut down on costs and increase overall operational efficiency.
Martin Buchberger, head of marketing and sales at Aim Software, says: “Aim Software already services many of the Avaloq banks, which also contributed to the roadmap of the interface. Thereby the Avaloq|Gain adapter guarantees an intensively tested and constantly maintained solution for data management aligned with the further evolution of Avaloq. The clearly defined responsibilities of each party will reduce implementation costs and risks for joint clients of B?Source and Aim Software.”
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