Asset Control has teamed up with DataStax to deliver a cloud based, NoSQL market and reference data platform. The platform is powered by DataStax Enterprise, integrated with Asset Control’s AC Plus enterprise data management (EDM) solution, and addresses issues around data volume, speed and access.
Asset Control considered a number of technologies to support a data platform before selecting DataStax Enterprise for its support, scalability and inclusion of technologies such as Apache Cassandra and Spark, and capabilities such as Solr enterprise search and enterprise-level security. The integration creates golden copy data in AC Plus and provides storage, manipulation and access in DataStax Enterprise.
The company has designed the integration to reduce the time to deliver data to Asset Control users and allow both business and operational users to quickly and easily access market data, including sources that do not require a traditional mastering process, such as alternative datasets and proprietary data.
Martijn Groot, vice president of product management at Asset Control, explains: “The platform provides a scalable store for data that is mastered in AC Plus and provides a number of ways business and operations can access the data, for example using the Solr search capability or RestAPI in the DataStax Enterprise stack. Benefits of the platform include its deployment as a cloud or hybrid solution, its scalability, and its fast and easy access to data for business users.”
He suggests some Asset Control users will replace internal data stores that do not operate fast enough to meet today’s business needs for market data with the new platform, and says many clients are interested in the concept. The platform is being built with a large sell-side client and is due to be in production by early 2018.
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