The Association of National Numbering Agencies’ Derivatives Service Bureau (ANNA DSB) has met its deadline to issue ISINs for OTC derivatives as required under Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II). The service went live today, October 2, 2017, with early users being onboarded, ISINs being created for OTC derivatives, and a global OTC ISIN data archive beginning to take shape.
The archive will contain ISINs as well as Classification of Financial Instruments codes (CFIs), Financial Instrument Short Names (FISNs) and associated reference data required for MiFID II reporting. Inclusion of Traded on a Trading Venue (ToTV) flagging will begin user acceptance testing on November 20, 2017 and move into production in the latter half of December 2017.
The DSB provides web-based, direct connection and intermediary access to the DSB ISIN creation services and access to the OTC ISIN data archive for research or download. Registered users requiring only web-based research and/or automated download of the archive current to the most recent end-of-day are charged no fees. For users creating ISINs, requiring intraday information about new ISINs or connecting programmatically to the DSB, annual fees are charged to fund the operations of the DSB on a cost-recovery basis. DSB ISINs may be used and redistributed without restriction.
The DSB has been in user acceptance testing for five months, during which time more than 500 users from 167 organisations have made use of its service. Some 66 organisations have applied for direct FIX connectivity, of which 36 are active. Three organisations have connected with the testing environment using the REST application programming interface (API). The DSB says others within the scope of MiFID II are evaluating connectivity options, including using intermediaries for programmatic connections.
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