Access International Financial Services, a provider of reference data management tools and services, has appointed John Buckner as president and chief executive officer. “I am very pleased and excited to join Access International and look forward to leading this highly talented team,” says Buckner. “The company is well positioned to become the industry’s leading products and services organization that directly addresses the challenges that exist within the reference data marketplace.”
Access International chairman and co-founder Jeff Metter says: “John is a tremendous talent who has proven to be very effective in building and managing companies that deliver products and services into the financial services industry … (he) is uniquely qualified to ensure that Access leverages the tremendous potential for our entire software product suite.”
Formerly Buckner was CEO of Symphoni Interactive, a securities-industry consulting company providing project management services to banks, broker/dealers, and vendors. Originally, he founded Symphoni Interactive – then known as IMIS – and, over ten-years built it into a multi-million dollar entity, culminating in its sale to Mastech Systems.
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